Saturday, March 5, 2011

Value of friends and family

School has been crazy, to say the least.  In the past 3 months, I've had no life outside of studying.  I expected hard work in grad school, but this past 3 months has been the most stressful/busy I've ever been in school.  Having survived that, I know I can do anything - but I also feel it took over my life.  I lost the balance - I no longer go out and do things with anyone (or even by myself). 

It sounds totally emo and lame, but earlier today I felt this deep loneliness/sadness. I miss home.  I miss my friends and family.  I've made some great new friends in Chicago, but I've only known them for a few months and these friendships are mostly superficial.  Not to mention, I totally feel like I don't have a life outside of the program because everyone I know is in the program.  Luckily for me, my super awesome best friend Derek called.  We hadn't talked for awhile because we had both been so busy.  I miss him SO much.  It was so good to talk to him.  I forget how he can make me feel happy through just a short conversation.

Now I feel all "rejuvenated" to.... do some more homework.  Just two more weeks of school, and I'll be going home to visit friends and family.  I miss my family, especially my little cousins.  I can't wait to see Vancouver - I even miss the rain a little.  I just got to put in some extra effort to make sure I do super well in all my classes this term! 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Life As a House

"You know the great thing, though, is that change can be so constant you don't even feel the difference until there is one. It can be so slow that you don't even notice that your life is better or worse, until it is. Or it can just blow you away, make you something different in an instant. It happened to me."
 - Life As a House

Instead of studying, I finally watched "Life as a House".  Good movie.  Lots of great quotes in the movie. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

It's the simple things in life

Today I discovered a new website/blog:

It was voted the top blog of 2010.  I can see why.  Reading bits of the blog definitely make me feel warm and fuzzy and more optimistic about my day and life.  With so many sad news everyday, people need a little bit of positivity.  I'm almost inspired to start my own 1000 awesome things.  I will be turning 100,000 days old in a couple of months.  I want to think of a cool/good goal for that day.  Something I could do to move my life in a positive directive from that day on.  I don't know.  I guess it'll be my symbolic than anything else? 

So anyways, happy 2010 to everyone!  I've been on hiatus from my blog for a month because of my crazy school schedule and winter holiday season.

I found out that I got almost all A's in my first quarter (one A- instead of A, apparently I missed the A by just 1 percentage point.  So I'm going to count that one as an A in my head anyways).  I'm very happy with myself and super happy with my program.  I think a large part is because of how amazing all my classmates are at helping each other out, how much support my professors give us all, and just how super fun the curriculum is. 

I did find myself burning out at the end of last quarter, so I'm going to try to pace myself better this quarter, hopefully continuing to do well at the same time.  This quarter we have a much busier schedule since we are starting clinical rotation.  I am so excited for it, I hope I get some awesome rotations!

I do feel a little overwhelmed already during the first week, largely because I kind of slacked off during the holidays and now I have to catch up all that work.  I have a stack of paper about 5 inches thick (no exaggeration) that I need to read - most of them research for my thesis.  I feel like the paper that I turned in for my scholarship project wasn't so good, and wish I could have spent more time on it.  I have to start training for my new job as a Kaplan teacher here in Chicago, reading for the classes, and reviewing for classes I've already had.  I'm sick so I feel exhausted all the time.  I hope I feel better soon - we will be visiting babies next week and if I'm still sick, I won't be able to go :(

Over the break, we were given an assignment to read a book and find our strengths.  So apparently mine were:  Harmony (I like world peace and for people to get along), Learner (I love to learn, especially the process of learning, and learning for the sake of learning), Developer (I see the potential in other people and like to help them develop it), Analytical (I need concrete evidence and proof and can think through problems logically), Positivity (I see the world as a half-full cup, I can see the silver lining in situations and I'm not hesitant about dishing compliments out to others).  I thought it was pretty accurate.  There are other qualities that I thought I might've gotten but didn't.  The book talked about how everyone is unique and that we should focus on developing our strengths instead of weaknesses.  I don't know why, but seeing my list, it makes me feel less unique.  I mean - I don't "not" like my strengths, but I think it does make me seem like a pretty boring person.  I mean I could sum up those qualities into one word:  nice.  What's so fun about being "nice"?  Anyways.  I guess that wasn't the point of the exercise.  I guess if I was the nicest person in the world that would make me extraordinary?  Or something like that.