Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Future First Author

I met with my scholarship project adviser today.  It was great to get more details of the case I'm suppose to be writing.  Also, she told me that since I was going to be doing most of the work, I can be first author on the paper!!!!  I am SO excited.  I am such a nerd!  SO.  Potentially, I could have a paper published (we are thinking Prenatal Diagnosis, not a bad journal, either!) from the scholarship project, maybe my thesis, depending on what I do... and who knows what else?  2 papers in 1 1/2 years?  I'm definitely counting my eggs way way before they are hatched (or even conceived).  But I'm excited.  Regardless of whether I get anything published - what an opportunity!  One of the authors that we will be corresponding with is probably a huge deal in the area, too - I've seen her name in half of the papers that I've researched.  I couldn't be in a happier place. 

My throat has been hurting since last night - I'm hoping that it's nothing.  I cannot afford to get sick right now.  I have so much to do  - reading, research, studying...  I wish I have more time. 


  1. Hope you're not sick. Stick with everything - you're brilliant, you will be amazing. And I've no doubt you'll have a half-dozen papers or so out in the next few years :)

    Head high!

  2. Out of your comfort zone now,
    after all no pain, no gain!
    Take good care of yourself, manage time well,
    I believe you will be a real author before me.
